Code Corporation Updates 7000 Series Healthcare-gr...

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Code Corporation, a global leader in barcode scanning and data capture technologies, announced the product update to the CR7000 series with the end-of-life of the CR7018 and launch of the CR7020 (CR7020), a protective case and external battery for iPhone made to withstand the harshest disinfecting chemicals found in healthcare settings.

The full enclosure, made of PVC-free CodeShield® disinfectant-ready plastic, means full protection of the mobile device, unlike the partial protection offered by most consumer-grade cases.

The CR7020 features new enhanced data pass-through, which now allows for bi-directional data pass-through. It also offers an easily swappable, external battery that more than doubles the life of the phone. The batteries work in tandem with Code’s BatteryTrak™ app, where you can view battery health, set deployment dates, apply firmware updates and more. This new case also offers a Battery Blank option which provides the user the ability of not carrying the extra weight of the external battery, making for lighter carrying in scrub pockets.

"The new CR7020 case features improved form, fit, and function," says Jana Buchanan, Senior Product Hardware Manager for Code. "The home button is easier to push and will not fail under normal use, plus the new case provides a better fit on the iPhone, which also makes it easier to open once a phone is in the case."

The CR7020 is available now and helps protect the mobile investment of healthcare facilities running a mobile health information system (HIS).

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